3. Improved Puzzle Art Viewer!
Enhancing user experience, Jigsaw Puzzles introduces an
improved puzzle art viewer. Players can seamlessly move the
puzzle art around the screen during gameplay without
4. Dynamic Lighting Effect!
Enjoy a more realistic and engaging puzzle-solving experience
with the introduction of dynamic lighting effects on rotating puzzle
pieces. The addition of highlights and shadows adds a touch of
authenticity to every move, bringing puzzles to life in a new
5. Reduced App Download Size!
Experience the convenience of updating on the go, without
worrying about data usage. Jigsaw Puzzles has significantly
reduced the app install size to 25.1MB or less, becoming one of
smallest jigsaw puzzle games you can download on the App
Store. All with the same great quality you’ve come to expect from
Bird Rock Games LLC.
About Jigsaw Puzzles:
With a 4.7-star rating in the App Store, Jigsaw Puzzles provides a
premium gaming experience. With a clean, visually appealing
user interface, plenty of free content and a compelling feature set,
Jigsaw Puzzles from Bird Rock Games LLC is one to watch.
Developer: Bird Rock Games LLC